Comparison of three tidal power plant schemes


  • Adrián Heredia Díaz Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Henry Bory Prevez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Ángel O. Castellano Sánchez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


tidal power plants, comparison, ocean thermal energy conversion


Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion or tidal energy, is a renewable source of energy based on the change in sea temperature with respect to depth. This temperature gradient can be used to drive a heat engine that generates useful work that is converted into electricity. The oceans capture the heat generated by solar radiation, which is why Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion systems are an almost unlimited source of energy dependent on the sun. The objective of this work is to theoretically compare three OTEC plant schemes in terms of operation and quantity of equipment. Materials and methods: For this, a bibliographic review is carried out and the optimal scheme for the conditions of Cuba is proposed, the open cycle scheme or Anderson cycle. Results: Three OTEC plant schemes reported in the literature were compared and, considering the operation and quantity of equipment, the open cycle or Anderson cycle scheme was selected as the optimal scheme for implementation on the Cuban coast. Discussion: It is considered that the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion system scheme based on the Claude cycle presents the following disadvantages: it requires a working fluid for its operation, such as those mentioned; These working fluids are gases with a risk of explosion, such as propane, or greenhouse gases, such as freon, or toxic, such as ammonia; In case of escape of the working fluid, the production of electrical energy stops; and a storage medium is needed. Conclusions: Research on this topic given that tidal energy, according to the technological advances reported in the literature and operating plants in the world, aims to be one of the most constant and uninterrupted future technologies for generating ecological electricity compared to photovoltaics and wind.


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How to Cite

Heredia Díaz, A., Bory Prevez, H., & Castellano Sánchez, Ángel O. (2023). Comparison of three tidal power plant schemes. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(4), 953–958. Retrieved from




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