Family abandonment and begging of the elderly in the May 1th neighborhood of the Ballenita urban parish

Family abandonment and begging of the elderly in the May 1th neighborhood of the Ballenita urban parish


  • Sabrina Paola Vera Soriano Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Katty Maricela Vera Meza Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


Abandonment, older adult, begging


Introduction: Family abandonment is the situation in which a family member stops caring, protecting or providing emotional and/or financial support to another. A good part of the elderly suffer from this problem, added to the fact that they are vulnerable due to their advanced age and care needs. The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between family abandonment, begging and affectation in the elderly population in the Ballenita parish, urban area of the Santa Elena canton. Materials and methods: Mixed research methodology, including surveys and interviews with those involved, with a correlational, cross-sectional, non-experimental approach. Results: The respondents argue that the main cause of begging in the elderly population is the lack of economic resources. Discussion: Family abandonment is caused by various reasons, such as family conflicts, financial problems, mental illness, addictions, among others. Causing serious consequences for the abandoned person, including mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, relationship problems, and difficulties trusting others. Conclusions: It is concluded that older adults who are in a vulnerable situation of begging is due to family abandonment.


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How to Cite

Vera Soriano, S. P., & Vera Meza, K. M. (2023). Family abandonment and begging of the elderly in the May 1th neighborhood of the Ballenita urban parish: Family abandonment and begging of the elderly in the May 1th neighborhood of the Ballenita urban parish. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 718–722. Retrieved from


