Community radio in the Saraguro canton and the perception of the citizens. Case: "El buen pastor" radio station

Community radio in the Saraguro canton and the perception of the citizens. Case: "El buen pastor" radio station


  • César Teodomiro Sandoya Valdiviezo Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador
  • Erika Lucía González Carrión Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador
  • Sybel Enrique Ontaneda Andrade Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador
  • Ulda Maritza Moreno Loaiza Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador


Community radio, citizen participation, radio programming, participatory communication, audiences


Introduction: The present investigation was carried out in the south of Ecuador and north of the province of Loja, specifically in the Saraguro canton, taking into consideration its native culture called by the same name. The community radio "El Buen Pastor" is located in this territory, the main objective is to analyze the perception of citizens about the grid offered by the media. Materials and methods: For the present study, a mixed methodology was applied, through the use of interviews and surveys applied both to the directors of the station under study, as well as to a population sample of citizens who listen to their programming. Results: The station in question, presided over by its directors, does not manage adequate programming and therefore does not differ from radios such as private and public ones. Therefore, its content must still improve to be a significant contribution to the public it serves as a means of communication and to comply with the postulates of a true community radio, which is to strengthen the communicative capacity of society through democratic spaces and participatory activities that have a greater impact on rural areas. Discussion: It is necessary to invigorate the role of community radio in Ecuador, based on the conception of a medium that proposes changes in all areas of society, from its own makers, that is, from the members of the community without exclusions. of any kind. Conclusions: As a result of this investigation, it is concluded that Radio Buen Pastor lacks programming with content of social and cultural interest for the urban and rural sectors, which characterizes stations with a community overtone.


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How to Cite

Sandoya Valdiviezo, C. T., González Carrión, E. L., Ontaneda Andrade, S. E., & Moreno Loaiza, U. M. (2023). Community radio in the Saraguro canton and the perception of the citizens. Case: "El buen pastor" radio station: Community radio in the Saraguro canton and the perception of the citizens. Case: "El buen pastor" radio station. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 656–663. Retrieved from


