Citizen participation and public management in the Bazán Neighborhood of Salinas canton

Citizen participation and public management in the Bazán Neighborhood of Salinas canton


  • Rebeca Elizabeth Franco Basilio Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Katty Maricela Vera Meza Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


Society, citizen participation, public management, social control


Introduction: This article aims to determine the relationship between citizen participation and public management, thus contributing to the selection of participatory strategy for the inhabitants of Barrio Bazán, so that through this mechanism the works are focused public. Citizen participation can be conceptualized from different theoretical perspectives, in this way it will refer to the legitimacy and consensus of the population to comply with shared interests that benefit citizens to intervene in the social, community, and political spheres. Materials and methods: For this, research methods and techniques are used such as analysis-synthesis, observation, survey where sampling techniques were used where the method was applied for convenience, for the realization of the different elements that intervene in Citizen participation and Social Management. Results: The research is feasible and applicable, since it allows decision-making on strategies that must be considered so that citizens can be part of the construction of the Territorial Development and Planning Plan. Discussion: Citizen participation allows the community to be part of the changes that are needed, the analysis of citizen participation is an interesting topic that allows the community to discuss, give contributions and take suggestions. Conclusions: Through the foundation it can be shown that the lack of knowledge in terminology of citizen participation and public management makes the community unaware of the participation process, causing disinterest and indifference in being part of these processes of social transformation.


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How to Cite

Franco Basilio, R. E., & Vera Meza, K. M. (2023). Citizen participation and public management in the Bazán Neighborhood of Salinas canton: Citizen participation and public management in the Bazán Neighborhood of Salinas canton. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 574–580. Retrieved from


