Interculturality in the university professional training process at the State University of Bolívar

Interculturality in the university professional training process at the State University of Bolívar


  • Jorge Vladimir Andrade Santamaría Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Ecuador
  • Dalia de Jesús Rodríguez Bencomo Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Marta Cecilia Ibarra Freire Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador
  • Diana Patricia Zumba Faicán Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador


approach, cultural diversity; interculturality; vocational training; basic education


Introduction: The objective of this research is to investigate the approach of interculturality by teacher-researchers in the process of university professional training of students of the Basic Education career of the State University of Bolívar, Guaranda-Ecuador. Materials and methods: For this, the quantitative approach was used with the application of surveys to 16 teachers and 100 students of the eighth cycles corresponding to the academic period November 2022- March 2023 in its process of interpretation of results was organized in tables, graphs and a the same matrix that was used to obtain data and analyze the information. Results: The results affirmed that interculturality needs a process of academic maturation that challenges to consider a clear conception of what interculturality means, the cultural origin of the students, the incorporation of knowledge and knowledge according to their customs and culture, design of an intercultural academic planning considering contents of the existing cultural diversity, the training and training of teachers and students, application of contextual intercultural methodologies and tools and the possible challenges it offers. Discussion: The training of professionals in higher education requires an approach with an intercultural vision that allows the future graduate of the career a better educational practice for teaching in diverse cultural contexts. Conclusions: Interculturality in the process of training professionals in the Basic Education career is characterized by the existing cultural diversity in students as carriers of ancestral knowledge and knowledge according to their customs and culture, although the predominance of a single cultural entry is evident. there is an intention and interest to address them, thus avoiding the difficulties of certain social phenomena such as discrimination, racism, loss of identity, prejudices, stereotypes, among others that occur in an educational context.


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How to Cite

Andrade Santamaría, J. V., Rodríguez Bencomo, D. de J., Ibarra Freire, M. C., & Zumba Faicán, D. P. (2023). Interculturality in the university professional training process at the State University of Bolívar: Interculturality in the university professional training process at the State University of Bolívar. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 526–533. Retrieved from


