Protection measures and violation of the rights of children in the Frank Vargas Neighborhood of the Salinas canton

Protection measures and violation of the rights of children in the Frank Vargas Neighborhood of the Salinas canton


  • Raquel Eliana Granda Reyes Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


protection measures, rights, violation, relationship, cantonal board for the protection of rights


Introduction: Violence against children and adolescents has existed throughout history and continues to exist today. From this perspective, this article was born, whose purpose is to analyze the reasons for the lack of speed in the application of protection measures towards children and adolescents by the Cantonal Board for the Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents. of the Salinas canton. Materials and methods: With the application of research techniques, it was possible to know the opinion of those affected in the inadequate way of applying protection measures in a quick and timely manner, causing the minor to lose their rights. Consistent in the design of a quantitative research, considering the application of the data collection instrument that responds to the numerical interpretation and by percentages of information. Results: Allowing to know that there is difficulty in it; on the application of protection measures, giving way to the violation of rights, thus determining related causes that gave way to technically justified suggestions in their presentation. Discussion: It is necessary to reform the current Code for Children and Adolescents when there is a presumption of violation of a right so that the officials of the Cantonal Board can better apply the protection measures before there is an Administrative Resolution so that they are not leave those affected defenseless minors. Conclusions: From the investigation carried out, it can be deduced that there is an ineffective application of protection measures when there is a presumption in which the minor is going to suffer physical or psychological harm, for this reason this could lead to the death of the minor or a permanent disability damage.


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How to Cite

Granda Reyes, R. E. (2023). Protection measures and violation of the rights of children in the Frank Vargas Neighborhood of the Salinas canton: Protection measures and violation of the rights of children in the Frank Vargas Neighborhood of the Salinas canton. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 494–503. Retrieved from


