Professional training in the career Higher Technology in Administration in Ecuador

Professional training in the career Higher Technology in Administration in Ecuador


  • Alejandro Andrés Ponce Mariscal Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano de Ecuador
  • Marlenys Martínez Clapé Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano de Ecuador
  • Lenny Cecilia Mariscal San Martín Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano de Ecuador


Professional training, technology in Administration, Pre-professional practices


Introduction: The purpose of this research work is to review a proposal about pre-professional Practices as a component of the Professional Training process, since it is currently a requirement for university students of all specialties, taking into account that It is based on the link between theory and practice, in such a way that students incorporate new knowledge linked to their profession. Materials and methods: The information collected as a theoretical basis for this research includes arguments that refer to professional training and, above all, to pre-professional practices. Within the research methodology, analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction, systemic-structural-functional and historical-logical were applied. Results: The review has contributed to the theory, so the dynamics of the pre-professional practices of the Higher Technology in Administration career will be modeled from the praxis in a methodology for the dynamics of the pre-professional practices of the Higher Technology in Administration career. Administration and has contributed to the establishment of a system of relationships that is generated between the categories of said dynamics as regularities, which is why the techno-business integration method emerges. Discussion: Pre-professional practices constitute the process of development of knowledge, professional skills, qualities and values of the subject's personality that is carried out in those spaces of the company with socio-professional delimitation, in which the contents are systematized. that characterize the object of work of a certain profession. Conclusions: The characteristics of the Integrative and Stimulating Didactics of Development and the Didactics of the Technical Branches are possible from the conception of learning that allows to base the pre-professional practice, as a relevant space to achieve the professional training of students.


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How to Cite

Ponce Mariscal, A. A., Martínez Clapé, M., & Mariscal San Martín, L. C. (2023). Professional training in the career Higher Technology in Administration in Ecuador: Professional training in the career Higher Technology in Administration in Ecuador. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 390–396. Retrieved from


