Adolescent pregnancy and school dropout in the Jaime Roldós sector

Adolescent pregnancy and school dropout in the Jaime Roldós sector


  • Maricela Alexandra Vera Caiche Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE, Ecuador
  • Diana Carolina Hernández Bazan Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE, Ecuador


Pregnancy, adolescent, school dropout, poverty, La Libertad canton


Introduction: The objective of this article is to determine the link that exists between adolescent pregnancy and school dropout for the design of an action plan that prevents adolescent pregnancy, contributing to development and social well-being, according to this, the main theoretical and conceptual in order to know how this influences school dropout. Materials and methods: Empirical methods were applied: surveys, to pregnant adolescents from 14 to 19 years of age and interviews with parents of adolescent families and director of the Virgen Del Carmen subcenter of the La Libertad canton. Results: Based on the research findings, it was possible to establish that the population would like to provide sexual education programs, prevention of pregnancy in adolescence, and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in Educational Institutions, to avoid pregnancies at a young age, the school dropout in adolescents contributing to being managers of their own well-being and development of the country. Discussion: Education is a substantial factor in the advancement and progress for every human being and society, to reduce poverty and inequalities. For this reason, it is important that adolescents attend an educational system obtaining all the academic levels that allow them to continue growing and demonstrate their preparation, because today having a high academic performance has significant value to evolve within the cultural, social and work with yourself. Conclusions: School dropout increases the index of lack of opportunities that leads to poverty, interrupting their life plans. The information must be comprehensive, teachers, parents and students and the State must guarantee their training and actions, and many do not dare to talk about these issues with adolescents, from here arises the importance that educational establishments contribute with comprehensive education programs for sexuality, and thus prevent pregnancy, high-risk pregnancies that lead to school dropout, lack of opportunities and a dignified life with Rights and Obligations, as established by International Human Rights and the Constitution of Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Vera Caiche, M. A., & Hernández Bazan, D. C. (2023). Adolescent pregnancy and school dropout in the Jaime Roldós sector: Adolescent pregnancy and school dropout in the Jaime Roldós sector. Maestro Y Sociedad, 231–236. Retrieved from



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