Social Intervention Program for the political inclusion of people with disabilities in the La Esperanza Neighborhood

Social Intervention Program for the political inclusion of people with disabilities in the La Esperanza Neighborhood


  • Julia Dolores Gavino González Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE, Ecuador
  • Mario Wilfrido Urgirles Pineda Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena UPSE, Ecuador


disability, inclusion, politics, society, La Libertad canton


Introduction: The general objective of this research is to design a social intervention program by identifying the process of political participation that allows facing the obstacles of political inclusion of people with disabilities in the La Esperanza neighborhood of the La Libertad canton. Materials and methods: This research work has a mixed approach, since the different objects were studied to understand the social life of the subject of collection and analysis of quantitative data, this will allow formulating the problem statement with clarity and objectivity between theoretical conceptions. of variables such as political inclusion and people with disabilities. Results: The results obtained are that people with disabilities generally do not attend to vote, nor are they considered important in their environment. Discussion: Social and political inclusion ensures that all people without distinction can exercise their rights and guarantees, take advantage of their skills and benefit from the opportunities found in their environment. Throughout history it has been heard on numerous occasions how people with disabilities were increasingly integrated into society thanks to plans, projects, actions carried out by associations representing different functional diversities. Conclusions: Concluding that they require assistance and help to move and exercise the vote.


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How to Cite

Gavino González, J. D., & Urgirles Pineda, M. W. (2023). Social Intervention Program for the political inclusion of people with disabilities in the La Esperanza Neighborhood: Social Intervention Program for the political inclusion of people with disabilities in the La Esperanza Neighborhood. Maestro Y Sociedad, 216–221. Retrieved from



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