Female unemployment and health in the January 6 neighborhood of La Libertad canton

Female unemployment and health in the January 6 neighborhood of La Libertad canton


  • Grace Stefanny Beserra Ortega Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Víctor Manuel Solórzano Méndez Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


female unemployment, poverty, mental health and inequality, La Libertad canton


Introduction: Female unemployment in Ecuador is one of the main problems for citizens and that government entities should give priority to the high rates of female unemployment that in one way or another directly affects the economy of a country, making it unfeasible and hindering the foreign contribution to be able to have an increase in economic development, female unemployment is seen as a social problem where it gives limitations to be able to satisfy basic needs in homes, the freedom to work for women and secondary effects on mental health. The main objective of this research is to determine the relationship that exists between female unemployment and mental health, through correlational analysis for the proper design of strategies that stimulate the correct study of social employment for women and that improve their health conditions in the neighborhood 6 de enero de canton La Libertad. Materials and methods: The methodology used is the quantitative technique where the surveys were applied to women who do not have a job in the aforementioned sector, the scope of this investigative study is correlational. Results: It has been identified that there is 83% of women who do not have a job and are in the role of households. It is shown that the lack of employment for women causes stress, fatigue, mood swings and low self-esteem, it has been proven that women do not have access to the labor market. Discussion: Unemployment is a social problem, therefore it is involved in the citizens and it is the current impact, therefore, when talking about unemployment, it is not the only affected party, other means in society are also affected and above all. everything mentions the fear of his dismissal and how his economic level would change and he sees the self reflected in another person. Conclusions: It is concluded that female unemployment affects nationally and internationally, in some countries the unemployment rate is higher than in others.


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How to Cite

Beserra Ortega, G. S., & Solórzano Méndez, V. M. (2023). Female unemployment and health in the January 6 neighborhood of La Libertad canton: Female unemployment and health in the January 6 neighborhood of La Libertad canton. Maestro Y Sociedad, 199–203. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6054



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