Ethnographic research as the basis of social diagnosis in the Camarones parish

Ethnographic research as the basis of social diagnosis in the Camarones parish


  • Lourdes Ximena Castillo Caicedo Universidad Técnica de Esmeraldas Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas, Ecuador
  • María Isabel Vallejo Cárdenas Universidad Técnica de Esmeraldas Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas, Ecuador
  • Ivette Nimia Mina Caicedo Universidad Técnica de Esmeraldas Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas, Ecuador
  • Rita Leivis Bolaños Mosquera Universidad Técnica de Esmeraldas Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas, Ecuador


social diagnosis, social work, community service


Introduction: The Social Community practice is elaborated to help the population that presents situations of vulnerability. Materials and methods: The age of the respondents shows that the population of Camarones is represented in a greater proportion by children and adolescents. Most of the child population is not cared for under the Child Development Center modality. Results: The results show that the majority of families in the Camarones parish have their own home. The coverage provided by Mies for care for the elderly, in gerontology services are scarce, since there is a large population in the parish that is not receiving this benefit. Discussion: The Social Work professional in any case should project their social diagnoses on substantial investigative processes where they should not limit themselves to knowing what happened; but rather to mark the ground on the bases on which the actions to be programmed as intervention proposals will be developed. Conclusions: The data reflects that the collection system is insufficient and does not cover the entire parish, which is why the community uses alternative means to dispose of garbage.


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How to Cite

Castillo Caicedo, L. X., Vallejo Cárdenas, M. I., Mina Caicedo, I. N., & Bolaños Mosquera, R. L. (2023). Ethnographic research as the basis of social diagnosis in the Camarones parish: Ethnographic research as the basis of social diagnosis in the Camarones parish. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 294–303. Retrieved from


