Project-based learning and its incidence in the teaching-learning process of the Accounting subject
Project-based learning and its incidence in the teaching-learning process of the Accounting subject
Project Based Learning (ABP), methodologies, AccountingAbstract
Introduction: This research is focused on Project-Based Learning and its incidence in the teaching-learning process of the Accounting subject for first-year high school students, whose objective is to analyze its incidence in the improvement of the teaching-learning process in the Accounting subject, and achieve the development of cognitive, entrepreneurial and innovative skills based on the competence of accounting subjects. Materials and methods: The methodology that was applied in the present is of a quantitative-qualitative level by which information was collected to be analyzed by statistical formulation with tables and graphs, the field method is determined in the pertinent observation to collect timely information, in addition to the application of surveys and interviews applied to students, teachers and managers. Results: An alternative proposal was also applied as an essential part of solving the problem, such as implementing a training workshop on Project-Based Learning for teachers, to provide them with timely and strategic knowledge of this methodology, and contribute to students. a better completeness on the accounting practices based on real cases of the current world. Discussion: The new generations of professionals and specialists in the different branches of Accounting should enable the development of critical and reflective thinking as a primary factor in the quality of education. Conclusions: The development of the training workshop constituted a support for the teaching body, in order to acquire the necessary skills for the application of the PBL, as part of the adaptations within their curricular meshes, and in addition to strengthening meaningful learning in students. with bases focused on the professional reality of Accounting.
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Copyright (c) 2023 César Iván García Figueroa, Edison Gabriel Loza Flores, Diana Carolina Estupiñán, Angelica Valeria Yanez Nata

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