Approach to reading comprehension from personal experiences and reading preferences

Approach to reading comprehension from personal experiences and reading preferences


  • Liliana Domínguez Diacén Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Yulianela Lubén Matos Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Yaneisi Peinado Jiménez Instituto Politécnico Vocacional de Ciencias Exactas “Antonio Maceo Grajales” de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


comprehension, reading comprehension, reading experiences, reading preferences


Introduction: The research presented emphasizes the search for new perspectives for the understanding of literary texts, taking advantage of the potential of personal experiences and the reading preferences of the students of the Bachelor of Education in Spanish-Literature for the achievement of learning. significant in the process of teaching to teach.
Materials and methods: It starts from an initial diagnosis with the purpose of knowing the personal experiences in reading and reading preferences, and from this, methodological ways are offered for the understanding of the text preferred by the students.
Results: The methodological pathways were applied in the educational teaching process of the first year of the degree, taking into account the possibilities offered by the system of objectives and contents of the subject Introduction to spatiality. The application of the proposal was evaluated through the interview of the participants and its relevance and practical utility were confirmed.
Discussion: Meaningful learning that converges with developer didactics is vital in the teaching-to-teach process.
Conclusions: The theoretical foundations of the current focus on the teaching of Spanish and literature: cognitive, communicative and sociocultural, as well as the theory of meaningful learning condition the search for practical ways for the student to learn how to teach from the beginning. reading comprehension process.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Diacén, L. ., Lubén Matos, Y. ., & Peinado Jiménez, Y. . (2023). Approach to reading comprehension from personal experiences and reading preferences: Approach to reading comprehension from personal experiences and reading preferences. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 190–197. Retrieved from


