Evaluation of the induction program for actors on knowledge of protection and social reintegration for returned migrants

Evaluation of the induction program for actors on knowledge of protection and social reintegration for returned migrants


  • Eileen Michell Ardón Mejía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Honduras


social reinsertion, returned migrant, migration in Honduras, induction process


Introduction: The study focuses on the evaluation of an induction program for actors who are linked to the process of social reintegration of the returned migrant, in this sense, it offers an advantage to the problem of the transfer of knowledge generated in a process of investigation and its reinsertion in practice.
Materials and methods: For theoretical validation of the program, the expert criteria was used for representatives of migration organizations, both government and civil society, that work on migration issues.
Results: Based on the assessment of the induction as a positive way to train the social actors who have been involved in the study; In this sense, the experts consider the subject relevant and consider that it can influence the reintegration of the returned migrant.
Discussion: Taking into account that the social actors as configurators of the social fabric, based on the construction of networks, for the promotion of strategic actions, must have prior preparation to carry out the task.
Conclusions: The social and productive reinsertion from the social actors as community members, is in constant work, since the existing processes still denote that the returned population continues without employment, without educational opportunities, without the provision of funds, which weakens the management state.


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How to Cite

Ardón Mejía, E. M. . (2023). Evaluation of the induction program for actors on knowledge of protection and social reintegration for returned migrants: Evaluation of the induction program for actors on knowledge of protection and social reintegration for returned migrants. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 149–154. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5885


