Educational orientation of the military teacher from a socio-educational model of its dynamics in cultural diversity

Educational orientation of the military teacher from a socio-educational model of its dynamics in cultural diversity


  • Ailién Chaveco Castillo Universidad de Ciencias Militares General José Maceo de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Clara Ofelia Suárez Rodríguez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


educational orientation, attention to cultural diversity, intercultural educational reflexivity


Introduction: The need to transform the insufficiencies in the sociocultural behavior of military students that, in their relationship with the formative requirements of the Cuban military educational model, limit their development, finds a response in educational orientation, since it constitutes an alternative solution to the contradiction. between the unity represented by the Cuban military educational model and the present cultural diversity.
Materials and methods: In the theoretical order, the holistic-dialectical method was used in order to carry out the modeling, revealing the orientation as a context for the systematization of the ethical-professional values of the military, with a synthesis in the value attention to the cultural diversity.
Results: Insufficiencies are revealed in the educational work of the military teacher that are based on an insufficient dynamic of educational orientation, which does not allow attention to the cultural diversity of military students from a single educational model, demanding the need for integration of new essential relationships.
Discussion: The apprehension of the positive social meaning of military education is a premise and result of the appropriation of military technical scientific content as its dialectical pair in the logic that is proposed, and refers to the process of personalization of scientific, technological and professional aspects of Military Sciences from a general and particular perspective.
Conclusions: The educational systematization in ethical-professional values, the core of the educational configuration of guidance, is the premise and result of the process of construction of cultural interactivity by students and teachers, in which the social meaning is shared and the meaning is constituted. subjective value of attention to cultural diversity by the participating subjects.


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How to Cite

Chaveco Castillo, A. ., & Suárez Rodríguez, C. O. . (2023). Educational orientation of the military teacher from a socio-educational model of its dynamics in cultural diversity: Educational orientation of the military teacher from a socio-educational model of its dynamics in cultural diversity. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 118–125. Retrieved from


