Orientation to families in times of Covid: a challenge for early childhood educators

Orientation to families in times of Covid: a challenge for early childhood educators


  • Bárbara Mercedes Cuba Milá Circulo Infantil "Pequeño Socialista" de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


family orientation, early childhood, Covid-19, Educative technology


Introduction: The family is the first space where children develop socially from a certain family functioning, for this reason a stable and significant relationship must be maintained with them, which contributes to mutual support in their learning process.
Materials and methods: This research was made up of the participation of parents of the 5th year of life of the Pequeño Socialista Kindergarden in the José Martí urban center during the period September 2020-June 2021. For its development, the exploratory analysis-synthesis methods, participatory scientific observation and socialization workshops were used.
Results: An interview was conducted with the 34 parents that make up the 5th year of life classroom, which 58,8% and 20,5 % are always and almost always present before an educational professional orientation and support institutional management.
Discussion: The concept of parental participation in the teaching-learning process: perspective of committed agents, expresses that over the last few years a necessary change has been made in education, promoting towards an objective that was to achieve quality education and warmth.
Conclusions: It is necessary that parents continue to support their children, since with their collaboration in the different school activities the academic success of the students is achieved, that is why they must actively participate in the learning process of the students. boys and girls, because they are the main axis of educating their children.


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How to Cite

Cuba Milá, B. M. . (2023). Orientation to families in times of Covid: a challenge for early childhood educators: Orientation to families in times of Covid: a challenge for early childhood educators. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 50–56. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5845


