Some theoretical considerations of the process of appreciation of the work of art

Some theoretical considerations of the process of appreciation of the work of art


  • Enrique Alfonso Rizo-Chig Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Inés Bárbara-Verdecia Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Enrique Manuel Rizo-Barrera Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • José Enrique Ricardo-Lazo Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


artistic appreciation, permanent education, Cuban art.


This article addresses the main theoretical references that allow the foundation of the process of artistic appreciation in lifelong learning. For its analysis, a brief historical characterization is made, which shows the content of art and its appreciation weighed down by a marked technical and intellectual value, permeated by formalism and pragmatism; because all analysis of what to do with art and its appreciation for educational purposes is carried out from morphological terms accompanied by a sequential neglect and lack of systematization. This situation was a reflection, on the one hand, of the fragmentation of the discipline and, on the other, of an excessive technicality, not always accompanied by training actions in response to the necessary changes and the role in the teaching-learning process and its consequent theoretical-practical implications, with the adequate methodological treatment of each of the actions of the aesthetic-artistic skills, which express an integrating vision.


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How to Cite

Rizo-Chig, E. A. ., Bárbara-Verdecia, I. ., Rizo-Barrera, E. M. ., & Ricardo-Lazo, J. E. . (2022). Some theoretical considerations of the process of appreciation of the work of art: Some theoretical considerations of the process of appreciation of the work of art. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(3), 1337–1348. Retrieved from


