Analysis of the teaching digital competences of the Tecnoecuadorian Higher Technological Institute

Analysis of the teaching digital competences of the Tecnoecuadorian Higher Technological Institute


  • Elsa Josefa Pezo-Ortiz Instituto Superior Tecnologico Tecnoecuatoriano, Ecuador


competencies, digital, ICT


The objective of this research work is to analyze the level of digital skills and as well as how these in turn favor the teachers of the Tecnoecuadorian Higher Technological Institute, the importance and significance of training in the digital field is highlighted in order to face the new paradigms of education by having to integrate ICT as a mediator of knowledge. The methodology is field and bibliographical with its mixed qualitative and quantitative approaches. The total population under study is 98 participants between teachers and students and the observation technique is used and therefore the survey as an instrument for collecting information. According to the results, most of the teachers find it difficult to use some technological tools and the students, for their part, demand the commitment and use of these technologies.


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How to Cite

Pezo-Ortiz, E. J. . (2022). Analysis of the teaching digital competences of the Tecnoecuadorian Higher Technological Institute: Analysis of the teaching digital competences of the Tecnoecuadorian Higher Technological Institute. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(3), 1254–1265. Retrieved from


