Youth and adolescents who do not study or work in Esmeraldas

Youth and adolescents who do not study or work in Esmeraldas


  • Rita Leivis Bolaños-Mosquera Universidad Técnica de Esmeraldas Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas, Ecuador
  • María Isabel Vallejo-Cárdenas Universidad Técnica de Esmeraldas Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas, Ecuador
  • Teófila Abigail Nazareno-Ortiz Universidad Técnica de Esmeraldas Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas, Ecuador
  • Julio César Callaveral-Angulo Universidad Técnica de Esmeraldas Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas, Ecuador


Young adolescents, work, study, psychosocial factors


The objective of this article was to analyze young people and adolescents who do not study or work in the city of Esmeraldas, so a review of different academic studies, a bibliographical search of information, through a review of Articles, it was found that young people and adolescents are in a situation of invisibility, exclusion, marginality of social dynamics, institutional practices and social policy, so they move to a future not very encouraging. Further research on this phenomenon is considered as a preamble for future lines of research in the social and psychological field. It is concluded that it is necessary to change the eyes towards young people by a more understandable one creating public policies in favor of the youth and adolescence in the short, medium and long term; That is, to respond to their demands, expectations and needs.


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How to Cite

Bolaños-Mosquera, R. L. ., Vallejo-Cárdenas, M. I. ., Nazareno-Ortiz, T. A. ., & Callaveral-Angulo, J. C. . (2022). Youth and adolescents who do not study or work in Esmeraldas: Youth and adolescents who do not study or work in Esmeraldas. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(3), 1212–1227. Retrieved from




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