Methodology to develop textual competence in the creation of written texts

Methodology to develop textual competence in the creation of written texts


  • Narcisa Piedad Quiñonez-Tenorio Universidad Central de Ecuador, Ecuador


textual competence, Language and Academic Communication, written texts


The work presented aims to demonstrate the results of experiences in the development of a textual competence for the creation of written texts as the guiding axis of writing and comprehension as a point of arrival through orality towards reading, writing from an analytical and critical position in front of the teaching process, and the ability to infer explicitly and implicitly in academic and scientific texts. It was proposed a metodology that goes through stages and from which treatment is given to the unit of analysis Language and Academic Communication for the Initial Education Career. The Experience was carried out with students of the blended program. The methods used are related to action research, observation, synthesis analysi.


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How to Cite

Quiñonez-Tenorio, N. P. . (2022). Methodology to develop textual competence in the creation of written texts: Methodology to develop textual competence in the creation of written texts. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(3), 1142–1152. Retrieved from


