Formative assessment in education


  • Lourdes Ccallohuanca-Mamani Universidad César Vallejo, Perú


Assessment, learning, education, technology


Formative evaluation focuses on an evaluation process that validates the teaching methods applied in educational activities, in order to reinforce learning and thereby improve results. The objective of this research is to analyze different studies on formative evaluation in education to support its importance. In parallel, the specific objectives are established: To show the studies on formative evaluation in pre-school education, in basic education, in higher education and in teacher education. As part of the methodology, a systematic search was considered, considering 35 articles that were selected using inclusion and exclusion techniques. It is concluded that it is essential to continuously evaluate the instructional processes, so that they can be adapted to the needs of teachers to meet the expectations of students, thus creating meaningful learning in the educational community.


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How to Cite

Ccallohuanca-Mamani, L. . (2022). Formative assessment in education. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(2), 965–982. Retrieved from


