Self-esteem, assertiveness and emotional intelligence: psychosocial competencies of future physical education teachers




self-esteem, assertiveness, emotional intelligence, interpersonal competences, professional predisposition


The aim of the study was to diagnose the competencies of self-esteem, assertiveness and emotional intelligence among students who associate their future with the profession of physical education teacher in comparison with those who plan to work in other specialties linked to sports, and to explain the relationship between these competencies, professional predisposition and the student's gender. A total of 308 students participated in the study. To measure the level of each competency, three questionnaires were applied: the Rosenberg self-esteem scale in its unifactorial structure, the Assertive Behavior Self-Report and the Emotional Intelligence Scale-Short Form (TEQue-SF). The results showed that future physical education teachers have high levels of self-esteem, assertiveness and emotional intelligence and that the gender of the student is significant for the professional predisposition of physical education teacher, as well as the level of psychosocial competencies analyzed.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2022). Self-esteem, assertiveness and emotional intelligence: psychosocial competencies of future physical education teachers: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(2), 754–766. Retrieved from




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