Cooperative learning to strengthen the social skills of elementary school students




Cooperative learning, social skills, students


The objective of the study is to analyze the relevance of cooperative learning in the social skills of students. It is a documentary investigation that found findings related to the relationship between the two categories of analysis. It is concluded that cooperative learning must become a dialogical methodology between teacher and student to generate significant learning through teamwork, collaboration and solidarity. Likewise, social skills are constituted in competencies that integrate cognitive, communicative, socio-affective, attitudinal, volitional and interaction dimensions, necessary to function in life, in a critical, creative and active way. And finally, it is recognized that cooperative learning in primary education can become a catalyst for social skills.


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How to Cite

(2022). Cooperative learning to strengthen the social skills of elementary school students: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(2), 651–660. Retrieved from


