Inventory management system, purchase and sale of agricultural products for decision-making: University and society linkage




Management system, agricultural products, SCRUM


This article aims to develop and implement an inventory management system, purchase and sale of agricultural products and report generation to facilitate decision-making in the Association of Community Women of the Tosagua Canton as part of a specific cooperation agreement with the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López, which made it possible to promote bonding, participation and strengthen the skills of students in the development of computer systems; the execution was in charge of the Computational Development Unit belonging to the Computing Career. The project was based on the identification of the functional requirements of the software; determination of the technological architecture; development of the system and execution of tests to guarantee the correct operation and integration of the system, based on the SCRUM agile development methodology, which proposes an iterative cycle of continuous improvement and feedback supported by the ideology of deliverables.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2021). Inventory management system, purchase and sale of agricultural products for decision-making: University and society linkage: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 118–129. Retrieved from



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