Educative community actions to contribute to the defense of the cultural heritage and the local identity




heritage, identity, local development, education, conservation


The article have the objective to share work experiences and reached results like a part of the communitarian educative actions developed in the  University Center in Rodas to contribute to the conservation and defense od the cultural heritage and the local identity. It make emphasis in  why  the need to develop the historical culture not only for teachers and students but also for managers of the local development, and the impossibility to do it without an integrated knowledge of the national , regional, local history and the cultural heritage, which let to keep and identify it for future and present generations. Different methodologies were used as traditional techniques for the research. Any profession can survive without organizing the human resources to the needs of the society.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2021). Educative community actions to contribute to the defense of the cultural heritage and the local identity: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(4), 1497–1515. Retrieved from


