The management control of the authorities in virtual university education in Peru




University management; virtual education; the teaching of university education; knowledge production and its applications


The article aimed to analyze the relationship between the management control of the authorities in virtual university education in Peru. The methodology approached was under a qualitative approach, carrying out a descriptive, correlational type of work, based on a transectional design. From the study regarding the management of current university authorities, which represents a challenge, the continuous improvement of virtual education, since it not only constitutes one of the ways to achieve progress towards excellence but also helps in the expected organizational climate. It is observed from the review carried out that due to changes and the emergence of new models in the production of knowledge and its applications, such as virtual education, they are in the permanent search to reinforce and renew the links between the teaching of university education and the control of university management.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2021). The management control of the authorities in virtual university education in Peru: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(4), 1460–1473. Retrieved from




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