Methodological strategies for strengthening critical thinking in regular basic education students




Critical thinking, strengthening of critical thinking and methodological strategies


The study focuses on reflecting on methodological strategies, which allow strengthening critical thinking in students of regular basic education. This article is a documentary review; it was considered inclusion criteria related to keywords, critical thinking and methodological strategies, in the languages, Spanish, English and Portuguese. The studies related to the objective propose to include in their proposals methodologies and strategies that allow strengthening critical thinking. Strengthening critical thinking in students is necessary, institutions must incorporate strategies to strengthen this ability, such as; feedback, formative evaluation, learning based on solving problems and argumentation, which are strategies that allow reflection, value their achievements and participate in the pertinent making of their decisions, favoring the self-regulation of students.


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How to Cite

, & . (2021). Methodological strategies for strengthening critical thinking in regular basic education students: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(4), 1271–1279. Retrieved from




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