Etnobotanical, sustainable development and environment conscience awareness in Peruvian matucana peoples




Ethnobotanical, Environment, Environment education, Environment awareness, Sustainable development


This research aimed to establish the relationship between ethnobotany and environmental awareness education of the inhabitants of Matucana district, Huarochirí province, Lima department. A mixed prevalence methodology was used to address the research object, integrating methods of qualitative and quantitative approaches, including but not least observation, documentary review, synthesis analysis, non-parametric statistical methods and Pearson's coefficient or statistical test r. It was found that theoretical approaches have delved into methodological, useful, cognitive and ethical elements but it is important to discipline the relationship of Ethnobotany with the environmental consciousness conceived from its equivalence and enriching analogy that enhances the actions of human beings and that there is a profound relationship between ethnobotany and environmental awareness. Etnobotánica, Medio Ambiente, Educación ambiental, Conciencia ambiental, Desarrollo sostenible.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2021). Etnobotanical, sustainable development and environment conscience awareness in Peruvian matucana peoples: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(3), 940–957. Retrieved from


