System of activities to strengthen the vocal technique of the song in the career of Education Preescolar




musical education, song, vowel technique, system of activities, students


In the formation of the professional of the teaching Preescolar occupies a fundamental place the aesthetics of which is part the Musical Education. The Song, like one of their components is directed in three addresses: the auditions, the vocal technique and the repertoire of songs. In the pedagogic practice and in the study of the different theoretical positions insufficient preparation of the educational ones is evidenced in formation in the domain of the vocal technique of the song, what limits its development in the children. The system of activities proposed through the subject Musical Education and their didactics, favorable that the student appropriates of knowledge, abilities, habits and capacities that allow him to direct activities with the children assisted in the institutions and in the Program "you/he/she Educates Your Son" and this way to contribute to achieve the maximum possible integral development from the first ages.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2021). System of activities to strengthen the vocal technique of the song in the career of Education Preescolar: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(3), 829–847. Retrieved from


