Structure model for a scientific journal with a focus on Administrative Sciences 2.0 in Ecuador




Higher Education, Research Institutions, Scientific journal, Scientific texts, structure model.


In this sense, the goal of this research is to propose a structuring of a scientific journal that presents articles of research results and articles of systematic review, and in this way to contribute with knowledge, to the public and private sector with a vision of the future. To achieve the structuring of the scientific journal a diagnosis of the readers and researchers was made to know the critical points and strengths regarding the publications of scientific text, then a proposal for the structure of the scientific journal was made according to the diagnosis and taking as reference an analysis of national and international indexed journals, finally a model of implementation of the journal is proposed so that it has favorable results.


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How to Cite

(2021). Structure model for a scientific journal with a focus on Administrative Sciences 2.0 in Ecuador: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(2), 595–608. Retrieved from


