The perspective of communicative approach in teaching English in the Center of Languages at the Universidad de Oriente




communicative approach, communicative competitions


The teaching of the English language with their culture and the development of their idiomatic abilities through a talkative focus, they become one of the objectives of the process teaching-learning of the English language in the Center of Languages of the Universidad de Oriente that in turn contributes to the formation of a more integral and more competent professional in all the orders. The communicative approach focuses the teaching of languages in the learning of a foreign language, is directed to the acquisition of communicative competitions on the part of the students, that is to say, to the gain of a series of dexterities, which allow them the communication with the speakers of that language in the most average situations in the daily life.


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How to Cite

(2020). The perspective of communicative approach in teaching English in the Center of Languages at the Universidad de Oriente: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 267–273. Retrieved from



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