The roots of cuban pedagogical thought from the work of José de la Luz y Caballero




pedagogical thinking, explanatory method, José de la Luz y Caballero


In Cuba, at different times, personalities have stood out who have contributed valuable ideas to our education that serve as sustenance to carry out the work of training future generations. Among these figures, the notable pedagogue José de la Luz y Caballero stands out. This educator considered it necessary to apply the explanatory method in teaching to consolidate reason against scholasticism and mechanism. He had the historical merit of having contributed to Cuban Pedagogy the idea that, in the student's practical relationship with the objects of reality, there is the genesis of mental operations, triggers and facilitators of learning. Likewise, it gave the possibility of reliably understanding the general logic and specificities of the process of apprehension of the object by the subject in the field of instruction and training of students.


1. Luz y Caballero, J. (1950). Escritos Educativos. La Habana: Editorial Universidad de La Habana, T. I
2. Luz y Caballero, J. (1950). Revista de los exámenes generales de las escuelas y colegios de esta ciudad. La Habana: Editorial Universidad de La Habana.
3. Luz y Caballero, J. (1950). Sobre Educación Secundaria. En Escritos Educativos. La Habana: Editorial Universidad de La Habana.
4. Luz y Caballero, J. (1950). Al Señor aritmético curioso. En Escritos Educativos. La Habana: Editorial Universidad de La Habana.
5. Luz y Caballero, J. (1946). Segunda réplica al Dómine de Puerto Príncipe. En La Polémica Filosófica. La Habana: Editorial Universidad de La Habana.
6. Pérez–Galdós O., V. (2019). Valoraciones de José Martí acerca de José de la Luz y Caballero. Recuperado de



How to Cite

, , , & . (2020). The roots of cuban pedagogical thought from the work of José de la Luz y Caballero: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 223–230. Retrieved from



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