Fidel Castro Ruz and the human development in the elder adult of Flores Community


  • Yaneisi Medina-Gómez Universidad de Oriente
  • Eliane Brito-Blanco Universidad de Oriente
  • Rosa Odalys Quesada-Manzán Universidad de Oriente


development, eldering, elder adult


This piece of work deals with aspects related with  taking into account the elder adult, in the educative task according to Fidel Castro Ruz, thougt pginting aut thal the population eldering is at present a preoccupation of the  contemporary society, that suggerts the need of educative and cultural alternatives to enderstand  eldering  as another step of persens development and of ther capacities for adults social adaptation and their human development, the country  provides particular attention to the study and strategies to be implementad in all the sectors of society, for the cre of to the high levels of eldering in the poputation. Thas it is necessary to research since the sociological view starting from the scientifie methad the circunstancies that condition the human development in the elder adult in the community odject of study.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2020). Fidel Castro Ruz and the human development in the elder adult of Flores Community. Maestro Y Sociedad, 107–115. Retrieved from