El bibliotecario escolar, una vía para motivar el conocimiento de la Historia de Cuba en los alumnos de 6to grado de la escuela primaria Antonio Borrero Bel


  • Ana Gertrudis Donatién-Leguén Escuela Primaria Antonio Borrero Bell


This paper aims at developing a proposal for activities to motivate interest in studying the history of Cuba, stressing the importance of it in the formation of the new man with values that requires a society like ours that is building socialism. Is given he great importance to the use of the Natural Heritage of the Commonwealth on the  motivation of the subject, by the potential offered to meet our end. In the theoretical foundation there are defined the elements of the natural heritage with which we operate in our proposal of activities. It has 10 activities that are coordinated with the teacher subject History of Cuba in the 6th grades, taking into account the demands of the program, activities designed are related to the goal of the interdisciplinary linked to the Spanish Language, mainly, to promote reading.



How to Cite

(2016). El bibliotecario escolar, una vía para motivar el conocimiento de la Historia de Cuba en los alumnos de 6to grado de la escuela primaria Antonio Borrero Bel. Maestro Y Sociedad, 5(1). Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/1921


