Formative evaluation: systematic review, concepts, self-regulation and online education




feedback, formative evaluation, self-regulation, virtual education


The evaluation by competences is the axis on which the educational process revolves today. Therefore, it is essential to know its development during the last year characterized by the sudden and global change in the educational modality. The article presented below is a systematic review of the articles on Formative Assessment, structured in three sections: the basic concepts and aspects; self-regulation of learning; and online education. The results describe the findings in the studies published in 2020 and 2021 on the Scopus and Scielo platforms, looking for coincidences and central ideas that delve into the subject matter.


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How to Cite

(2021). Formative evaluation: systematic review, concepts, self-regulation and online education: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(2), 707–720. Retrieved from


