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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Authors must register with the journal before publishing or, if they are already registered, they can simply log in and begin the five-step process. Remember that each author is responsible for the content of each of their articles.

Scientific writing must be understood from the first reading by the average reader who knows the general discipline, but who is not a specialist in the specific topic of the investigation, so clear, simple, non-redundant language must be used and a proper order in the presentation of ideas.

  • Use the impersonal style.
  • Take care of the use of the capital letter, as well as the agreement in gender-number and subject-verb.
  • Don't use jargon.
  • Avoid the use of gerunds and adverbs ending in -mente.
  • Avoid long sentences and excessive subordinations, use appropriate punctuation marks to separate sentences.
  • Use the media rationally to highlight important texts or elements, such as bold.
  • Avoid incorrect use of prepositions.
  • Paragraphs must have at least three sentences.
  • Sentences should not be more than three lines.

Contributions must be original and unpublished articles and must not be nominated for other publications or publishing institutions simultaneously. They must comply with the Rules for Submission of Originals to be sent to the referees. Up to five (5) authors are accepted for each article. All authors must have the ORCID identifier.

The article review process is open arbitration; for this, the referees must fill out the arbitration form that can be downloaded here.


The articles will be presented in Spanish, English or Portuguese in a Microsoft Word document. They will have an extension between 10 and 25 pages, including graphs, tables and bibliographical references. Line spacing 1.5, Times New Roman font, 12 point, letter size. All margins at 2.5 cm. Justified text. If tables, graphs or images are used, they must appear after the paragraph in which they are cited. They will be numbered consecutively. They must have a figure caption that explains the figure, table, etc., and the authorship of the same. Footnotes are not accepted.

All contributions must contain the following “auxiliary texts” on the first page:

  • Title (Spanish, English and Portuguese).
  • Names and surnames of the author or authors, with academic title, academic category and scientific degree of each one, email, ORCID identifier.
  • Institution of affiliation of the author or authors (full name, city and country).
  • Abstracts in Spanish, English and Portuguese structured according to the article (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions), in a single paragraph.
  • Keywords in Spanish, English and Portuguese, under each corresponding abstract (between 3 and 5 words).

Articles will have the following structure:

  • Introduction: must be more than one page. This clearly presents the what and why of the research, includes the statement of the problem, the objective, as well as the justification of the problem; In addition, it contains the framework of reference or review of the literature; that is, what others wrote about the problem posed. The introduction is the answer to a question: why has this work been done? It pursues the purpose of providing enough elements for the reader to understand and analyze the results of the study without resorting to another bibliography. It should end with the purpose of the article.
  • Materials and methods: they answer the question: how was the research done? They briefly describe how it was put into practice and justify the choice of methods and techniques used. The reader needs to understand exactly what was done and how it was done. An operational order should always be followed in the description. Most of this section should be written with verbs in the past tense. The main purpose is to describe (and, if necessary, defend). This process is called research validation and it will generate references or citations of your work in other articles which will increase the academic value of your work, preferably articles published in the Maestro y Sociedad magazine. That is, expose the methods used in the investigation and what they were used for, and the sample studied in the article.
  • Results: in this section, the main findings or answers of the study are clearly, directly and concisely reported. Generally, they can be shown through tables, figures or texts, which express in an understandable way the effects of the study carried out by the researcher. Although in this part you must enter tables and graphs, it is not enough to insert them alone; it is best to insert the most representative ones with explanations that are not the textual reflection of the table or graph. The best way to be brief, accurate and descriptive is to have a well-crafted Materials and Methods section, this will make it easier to write your results.
  • Discussion: Explain what the results mean and compare them to prior knowledge. Try to present principles, relationships, and generalizations demonstrated by the results. The author should discuss and not recapitulate. You must answer the following questions: what do the results mean? To what extent do the results support any principle known or predicted by the author or other authors? It should highlight the results that suggest new avenues of research. The discussion of a work opens, in turn, new paths that will allow us to delve deeper into this theme. The style of the discussion should be argumentative.
  • Conclusions: they must be clear, in response to the question that originated the study and the objectives set. It is convenient to make clear the limitations that the study presented and how these could affect the conclusions. They must not allude to any new matter.
  • Bibliographic references: There must be more than six (6) bibliographic references dictated according to the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). They constitute the list of cited documentary sources that appear in the body of the article. They will be arranged alphabetically. 60% must cover the period prior to five (5) years of the issue's publication. Examples of references:

Article with DOI or journal URL

Osorio-Delgado, M. A., Henao-Tamayo, L. J., Velásquez-Cock, J. A., Cañas-Gutiérrez, A. I., Restrepo-Múnera, L. M., Gañán-Rojo, P. F., Zuluaga-Gallego, R. O., Ortiz-Trujillo, I C. y Castro-Herazo, C. I. (2017). Aplicaciones biomédicas de biomateriales poliméricos. DYNA, 84(201), 241-252.

Book in print version

Shakespeare, W. (2004). Hamlet (J. M. Valverde, ed. y trad.). Planeta; Paidós. (Original publicado en 1609).

Dictionaries, thesaurus or encyclopedias

Real Academia Española. (2018). Diccionario de la lengua española (edición del tricentenario).

Reference source input

Real Academia Española. (2018). Reproducción. En Diccionario de la lengua española (edición de tricentenario). Consultado el 31 de octubre de 2019.

Report from government agency or other organization

Concha, T., Ramírez, J. C. y Acosta, O. (2017). Tributación en Colombia: reformas, evasión y equidad. Notas de estudio. (Serie Estudios y Perspectivas 35). Oficina de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe en Bogotá.

Published thesis

Barreto, A. G. (2015). Fundarvid: una contextualización de sus neologismos en la lengua de señas colombiana [tesis de maestría, Universidad Nacional de Colombia]. Repositorio Institucional UN.


Congreso de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. (1873, 26 de mayo). Ley 84 de 1873. Código civil de los Estados Unidos de Colombia. Diario Oficial n.º 2867.

CRediT Taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy)
In Original Research, the contribution of each author in the study is written at the end of the document, according to the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy); which establishes several typologies: conceptualization and ideas, data curation, formal analysis, acquisition of funds, research, methodology, project administration, resources, software, supervision, validation, visualization, writing the original draft, writing, review and editing. All authors must participate in the review of the version that is sent to the journal.
Authorship criteria
Each author must have participated in the work sufficiently to take public responsibility for the content. You are an author when: You have contributed substantially to the conception and design of the study, data collection, its analysis and interpretation, as well as to the writing of the draft of the article or to the critical review of its intellectual content, and you approve the final version that is going to be published.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines. Los autores son responsables de las opiniones que expresen en sus trabajos y han de garantizar que los artículos son originales y que no han sido sometidos a la consideración de otras publicaciones. De igual modo asumen la responsabilidad de que en los autores firmantes solo aparezcan aquellas personas que hayan realizado una contribución intelectualmente importante para el desarrollo del trabajo.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes. The authors are responsible for the opinions they express in their work and must guarantee that the articles are original and that they have not been submitted for consideration by other publications. In the same way, they assume the responsibility that only those people who have made an intellectually important contribution to the development of the work appear in the signing authors.

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.