Maestro y Sociedad e-ISSN 1815-4867

Volumen 22 Número 1 Año 2025

Artículo original

Pre-During-Post Methodology focused on listening for teaching English in educational environments

Metodología Pre-Durante-Post enfocada en la escucha para la enseñanza del inglés en entornos educativos

Metodologia Pré-Durante-Pós focada na escuta para o ensino de inglês em ambientes educacionais

Andrés David Anchundia Ponce *,

Thalía Maricela Arroyo Villa,

Henry Xavier Mendoza Ponce,

Javier Antonio Zambrano Mero,

Víctor Efrén Alcívar Calderón,

Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro de Manabí”, Ecuador

*Autor para correspondencia. email

Para citar este artículo: Anchundia Ponce, A. D., Arroyo Villa, T. M., Mendoza Ponce, H. X., Zambrano Mero, J. A. y Alcívar Calderón, V. E. (2025). Pre-During-Post Methodology focused on listening for teaching English in educational environments. Maestro y Sociedad, 22(1), 231-238.


Introduction: There are abilities that aid in learning English in a globalized society where it is the most widely spoken language. Although listening is an essential ability for students learning a second language, most students struggle to comprehend what others are saying. Materials and methods: Using the PDP methodology, this study analyzes the importance of good listening comprehension strategies for English language learners in classroom settings. In order to gather data through field research using tools that enable gaining an overview of the study conducted from many points of view, a mixed-approach methodology with a descriptive orientation was utilized. This methodology included surveys, observation sheets, and interviews. Results and discussion: The results show that using the PDP approach aids in the improvement of English language listening abilities and that these are crucial techniques for gaining a deeper comprehension of the relationship between technology implementation or didactic materials towards teaching a foreign language such as English through the incorporation of various study strategies for meaningful teaching. Conclusions: It has been determined that teachers should use this technique with a variety of activities to help students improve their listening skills, inspire them to overcome challenges, and drive them to succeed.

Key words: PDP methodology, educational environments, strategies, cognitive process, motivation, listening.


Introducción: Existen habilidades que ayudan a aprender inglés en una sociedad globalizada donde es el idioma más hablado. Aunque escuchar es una habilidad esencial para los estudiantes que aprenden una segunda lengua, la mayoría de los estudiantes tienen dificultades para comprender lo que dicen los demás. Materiales y métodos: Utilizando la metodología PDP, este estudio analiza la importancia de las buenas estrategias de comprensión auditiva para los estudiantes de inglés en el aula. Con el fin de recopilar datos a través de la investigación de campo utilizando herramientas que permitan obtener una visión general del estudio realizado desde muchos puntos de vista, se utilizó una metodología de enfoque mixto con una orientación descriptiva. Esta metodología incluyó encuestas, hojas de observación y entrevistas. Resultados y discusión: Los resultados muestran que el uso del enfoque PDP ayuda a mejorar las habilidades de escucha en inglés y que estas son técnicas cruciales para obtener una comprensión más profunda de la relación entre la implementación de tecnología o materiales didácticos hacia la enseñanza de un idioma extranjero como el inglés a través de incorporaciones de diversas estrategias de estudio para una enseñanza significativa. Conclusiones: Se ha determinado que los maestros deben utilizar esta técnica con una variedad de actividades para ayudar a los estudiantes a mejorar sus habilidades de escucha, inspirarlos a superar desafíos e impulsarlos al éxito.

Palabras clave: metodología PDP, entornos educativos, estrategias, proceso cognitivo, motivación, habilidad de escuchar.


Introdução: Existem habilidades que ajudam a aprender inglês em uma sociedade globalizada onde esta é a língua mais falada. Embora ouvir seja uma habilidade essencial para estudantes que aprendem uma segunda língua, a maioria deles tem dificuldade em entender o que os outros estão dizendo. Materiais e métodos: Utilizando a metodologia PDP, este estudo analisa a importância de boas estratégias de compreensão auditiva para alunos de inglês em sala de aula. Para coletar dados por meio de pesquisa de campo, utilizando instrumentos que permitam obter uma visão geral do estudo realizado sob diversos pontos de vista, foi utilizada uma metodologia de abordagem mista com orientação descritiva. Essa metodologia incluiu pesquisas, fichas de observação e entrevistas. Resultados e discussão: Os resultados mostram que usar a abordagem PDP ajuda a melhorar as habilidades de compreensão auditiva em inglês e que essas são técnicas cruciais para obter uma compreensão mais profunda da relação entre a implementação de tecnologia ou materiais didáticos no ensino de uma língua estrangeira, como o inglês, por meio da incorporação de várias estratégias de estudo para um ensino significativo. Conclusões: Foi determinado que os professores devem usar essa técnica com uma variedade de atividades para ajudar os alunos a melhorar suas habilidades de escuta, inspirá-los a superar desafios e levá-los ao sucesso.

Palavras-chave: metodologia PDP, ambientes educacionais, estratégias, processo cognitivo, motivação, habilidades de escuta.

Recibido: 15/10/2024 Aprobado: 20/12/2024


Language is our major means of communication. It is the mechanism by which we communicate our ideas and thoughts to others. English is the most widely used language in the world, thus its significance cannot be overstated. English is one of the most widely used languages in the world.

In Ecuador, the level of acquiring the English language continues to struggle to since listening is one of the most crucial skills inside the language. According to Rost (1994) (quoted in Yıldırım, S & Yıldırım, 2016), active listening is essential in language classrooms since it offers learners with input. Learning cannot begin until there is enough comprehension of the input. (p. 4). Rost's approach highlights the significance of teaching listening in language learning situations. It gives learners their first experience with the target language by giving them with an environment of meaning in which to develop conversations.

Listening, like speaking, reading, and writing, is an essential skill for everyday communication. It is significant since it is the first skill people learn and the most commonly utilized communication skill. Demirel (2003) defines listening as the ability to correctly understand and react to a speaker's message; Engin and Birol (2000) define listening as a psychological process that begins with being aware of and paying attention to sound and speaking images, progresses to identifying and remembering certain auditory signs, and concludes with making sense of them. Furthermore, listening is an active activity that is necessary for communication, which involves receiving and understanding messages (Umagan, 2007).

Listening comprehension skills in English in la Ecuadorian education are a basis of worry since learners are unable to fully develop that skill, resultant in a lack of listening production during the learning process.

Faced with such a challenge, the PDP framework "enables teachers not only to plan and demonstrate an effective listening lesson, but it additionally maintains learners active, involved, and motivated throughout each phase of the listening lesson: pre, during, and post" (Nehar, 2009 as cited in Abdalla, 2020, p. 6).

This research is conducted in Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí Extension Chone (ULEAM). The university emphasizes the English language for students' general education and offers seven hours of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction each week. However, since they encounter certain obstacles that affect the development of English-listening skills, students usually struggle to improve their listening abilities. This might cause youngsters to lack methods, therefore it's critical to examine how important it is to use processes to help them develop their strengths.

It is considered essential to do so because it is possible to analyze the importance of effective listening comprehension strategies for English language learners in educational environments by implementing the PDP methodology, particularly in determining how the PDP methodology could assist students in improving their listening skills, and it is critical to collect data that aids in understanding the issues raised in this section through analysis techniques. Data gathering tools such as teacher interviews, observation sheets, and questionnaires will enable researchers to assess the significance of using PDP approach in their classrooms.

This study responds to the following questions: 1. How can a good listening comprehension be developed in English language learning through the PDP methodology? (EFL) (Interview) 2. What is the importance of using teaching strategies that help improve listening skills? (Observation Sheets) 3. Identify what type of resources or interactive tools can be used to strengthen listening skills in students? (survey)

To contribute to the innovation of the teaching-learning process of EFL in primary education by finding the elements that impacted the speaking abilities in EFL, the research begins the study with a review of the principles of (1) Pre-During Post methodology, (2) Listening for teaching English

This study is the author's original research, showing that, while there currently could be similar topics, the ideas and theories of science are different since it aims a solution to a problem that emerged in a specific university in Chone, and these is intended to enhance and fortify elements of the teaching- learning English.

Pre-during-Post methodology (PDP)

When it comes to teaching a language, there are various methodologies that can be applied to obtain significant results. PDP is a framework for teaching receptive skills, such as listening and reading. PDP is a framework that may be used to teach receptive skills like listening and reading. Listening helps learners improve their listening abilities as well as their understanding.

According to Richards and Renandya (2010) (quoted in Solak, 2016, p. 30), "the listening skill has received little attention and has been categorized as a passive function in language teaching and learning settings due to the teaching methods have focused on productive skills". According to Rost (1994) (quoted in Yıldırım, S & Yıldırım, 2016), active listening is essential in language classrooms since it offers learners with input. Learning cannot begin until there is enough comprehension of the input. (p. 4).

Rost's approach highlights the significance of teaching listening in language learning situations. It gives learners their first experience with the target language by giving them with an environment of meaning in which to develop conversations.

The first "P" in PDP stands for the "PRE" reading/listening stage of a lesson. This is the stage of the class before (or "PRE") the students read or listen to the material. This stage's activities include activating schema, assessing students' previous knowledge. They consider reading texts and instructional materials for listening courses" (Mohammad, 2016, p. 42). According to Povey (2019), some tasks of this stage include "activating schema, assessing students' prior experience, pre-learning the new and essential vocabulary for comprehending the text, and generating interest among learners in the topic" (p. 1).

The "D" in PDP represents the "DURING" reading/listening stage of a lesson. This is the stage of the lesson during which the learners interact with (read/listen to) the text. During this stage, learners are given a variety of exercises that allow them to engage with the text on different levels. After completing the exercises, students compare and discuss their responses to foster trust and deeper understanding. ( 2018).

The second "P" in PDP refers to the "POST" reading/listening stage in a lesson. This stage occurs after (i.e., "POST") students have read/listened to the content and demonstrated comprehension of it. For example, students relate a tale about something that occurred to them, or they submit a letter of complaint to a restaurant requesting that a comparable interview be conducted. (, date not specified).

It is critical that students enhance their listening comprehension skills by implementing a solid listening approach. Another component that will impact the outcome of the practices is the listening material, which should be appropriate for the students' backgrounds.

Listening for teaching English

Listening is explained as constructing and representing meaning. Due to this orientation, the list of possible definitions is as follows. Listening is: figuring out what is in the speaker’s mind; finding something interesting in what the speaker is saying; finding out what is relevant for you; reframing the speaker’s message in a way that is relevant to you; understanding why the speaker is talking to you; noticing what is not said. (Rost, 2002:2)

It is commonly acknowledged that teachers should prioritize their students' ability to listen, and that this is where teachers should focus their efforts to improve their teaching.

It is necessary to handle learners' varying listening levels. One of the most important aspects of overcoming these gaps is to use cutting-edge listening teaching approaches.

This unique method is referred to as Activity-Based Language Teaching. When students learn about the elements that impact listening, the degrees of listening, and the parts of the listening process, they are more likely to recognize their own listening talents and participate in activities that will help them become better listeners.

According to Karakas (2002), listening exercises are designed to avoid failure in order to assist the learner's comprehension of the text. Pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening are three main types of listening behaviors. Students can utilize these exercises to enhance their listening abilities.

Stages of Teaching Listening Skills

Pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening activities are all excellent methods for teaching the listening text. Each level has its own set of objectives and tasks to achieve.

Pre listening

Students are given all they need to listen to and understand the listening material during the pre-listening phase. This step is important because it introduces students to the listening passage to which they will listen, piques their interest, and teaches them about the purpose of listening.

Examples of well-structured texts and a clear framework are the goals of pre-listening exercises.

-dividing the activity into manageable, sequential learning phases.

- Briefing - Activating existing knowledge.

-referring to past task experience.

-referring to earlier degrees of achievement

-sharing learning goals.

-Explaining the listening habit.

During Listening

The goal of this level is to help students develop their listening abilities and test their comprehension. The teacher offers exercises for the pupils to accomplish while they listen. Students may need to listen to the material many times to complete their while-listening assignments. After examining the students' comments, the instructor should emphasize the book's important points and clarify any language or structural issues that the students encountered while listening.

Listening exercises typically aim to contextualize and explain, with teachers demonstrating techniques to check knowledge and proper listening practices.

- Students asking questions while on task and requesting clarification.

Post Listening

Post-listening tasks are designed to expand the subject or language of the listening content. Following the hearing, post-listening actions are carried out. Well-planned post-listening exercises help students to link the information they have heard to their thoughts and experiences while also developing interpretative and critical listening skills and reflective thinking.

Furthermore, post-listening tasks enable teachers to evaluate and review students' knowledge and measure their comprehension, as well as students to broaden their understanding beyond the literal to the interpretive and critical levels.

Post-listening Activities Focus on reflecting, assessing, transferring skills, and recognizing various degrees of achievement.

Learning environments

Seel et al. (2017) suggest that learning environments should cater to the various learning categories proposed by Roth (1963) and Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction to offer effective learning chances. Roth discovered that gaining various talents necessitates unique learning and education strategies. Gagne, on the other hand, showed that successful learning environments must have clearly defined learning objectives that are inextricably linked to teaching and student activity.

Materials and methods

This research used a descriptive design with a mixed method that aims to Analyze the importance of effective listening comprehension strategies for English language learners in educational settings by implementing the PDP methodology in ULEAM, Manabí Ecuador. The study focused on fourth-semester students enrolled in the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Language career. Data were acquired from a sample size of thirty students using an online survey delivered via Google Forms, an interview with three EFL specialists, and observation sheets to capture key information.

The interview is a flexible data collection strategy that allows for the use of several sensory channels, including verbal, nonverbal, speaking, and listening. Kvale (1996) describes the interview as "a construction site for knowledge." An interview is essentially an inter-view, or an exchange of perspectives between two people discussing a topic of mutual interest" (Kvale, 1996, p.14). The total number of items is eight, all of which focus on the importance of effective listening comprehension strategies for English language learners in educational settings by implementing the PDP methodology, and it was assessed by three specialists and verified by four EFL experts.

Furthermore, an observation is a qualitative research approach that includes not only participant observations but also ethnography and field research. The observational research strategy includes many study locations. According to Arikunto (2010), an observation sheet is an instrument employed to assess the level of fulfillment or to establish a basis to emphasize educational achievement. And finally, Check and Schutt (2012) describe survey research as "the collection of information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions" (p. 160).


Table 1 Data Triangulation of the three research instruments.


Research Instruments


Observation Sheets


PDP methodology

It is fundamental because allow you to go deep into the various stage of the acquisition of the language.

When the teacher uses the PDP methodology, students demonstrate better understanding of the topics.

The students consider that used the PDP methodology it is essential for the development of listening skill.


The teacher states that the development of listening skills is important during the acquisition of a new language.

During the listening activities the students seemed to have problems with some words.

Students say that they have a little difficulty identifying words during listening.


The use of teaching activities/strategies is vital in the acquisition and development of a language skill.

The incorporation of strategies for the development of listening took a positive attitude in the students.

Students suggest that using dynamic strategies during the application of the PDP methodology has helped them to better understand and develop their receptive skills.

Cognitve process

The teacher is concerned about the cognitive development of his students, so he uses methods that help improve their skills.

Students often have trouble concentrating during listening activities.

Students report that they lose concentration easily during listening activities.


The teacher suggests that learning a new language should always be encouraged during each student achievement.

Students are motivated to learn when the teacher uses the PDP methodology along with various activities.

The student states that when the teacher uses PDP with dynamic activities, the environment is better and they feel motivated to learn.

Elaborated by: The author

In the category 1 PDP methodology. - According to the data, educators are well aware that using the PDP methodology for the development of listening skill help the students to improve their abilities, using some activities related to their context to link their understanding with real situations around them. Since in the observation sheets students seemed to have a positive attitude towards the implementing the PDP methodology in the survey, they confirmed that it is essential during their training process.

In the category 2. Listening. – The data shows that developing the skill of speaking in the English language is essential, but also one of the most complex to develop. To this end, methodologies are used to help develop it. During the observation sheet, it was possible to analyze that the students had certain problems with some words during their listening activities, confirming in the survey that they have difficulty identifying certain words during their tasks.

In the category 3. Strategies. – Most teachers use dynamic strategies or activities that help during the language acquisition process, without an appropriate strategy that can be at the level and needs of the students, the students lose interest in developing those skills, during the application of the observation sheet the students showed positive attitudes and a better development of the listening activities in the same way that they suggested that teachers should continue applying this type of strategies to obtain good results and thus be able to develop the language skills appropriately.

In the category 4. Cognitive process. During the application of the instruments, it is clearly evident that teachers are concerned about the cognitive process of their students, however, it was observed that students are those who lose concentration when they do not feel motivated by the activities within the class, confirming in the survey that they tend to lose concentration when the activities are a little boring.

In the category 5. Motivation. – Motivation has always been a key factor for the positive acquisition and development of a language. Teachers state that it is essential to motivate learners during their training. In the observation sheet, the data shows students noticeably motivated when the teacher uses the PDP methodology together with dynamic strategies that facilitate the understanding of the language and incorporating resources within it, as well as what they state in the survey where they affirm that they feel motivated and the environment is better when the teacher uses these types of strategies.


The objective of this study was to analyze the importance of effective listening comprehension strategies for English language learners in educational settings by implementing the PDP methodology. Certainly, Buck (2001) defines listening as actively constructing meaning by applying knowledge to incoming sounds, including language and non-linguistic information. Listening is a talent that allows people to express themselves individually and socially, to transmit the world of ideas, and to make sense of human existence.

Supronsirisin (2007) conducted a study on the impact of pre- and post-listening question strategies on listening comprehension. The findings are likely to serve as a useful guideline for English teachers on how to utilize questions effectively while teaching listening. (p.6).

Important research (Liao, 2012) describes how the teacher and student interact in listening lessons. It also illustrates the pupils' listening skills and applications.

The study also examines what occurs during the listening phase, which is when students take notes. In addition, following the listening stage, students evaluate their notes and read what they have written. According to the investigation, "Students need to understand how to recognize the aim of the listening message, and make correlations about the topic or intonation to settle in as preparation to comprehend the information in the pre-listening stage." (p.8)

Students who received the pre-listening stage at the start felt more secure in their listening lessons because they had a clear picture of what they would listen to in preparation. They were prepared for the "while listening" stage. "Thus, that is to say pre-listening strategies had an impact on learners" (Zohrabi 2015, p. 53).

Research suggests that understanding and meaning are crucial for improving listening abilities (Emiroğlu & Pınar, 2013; Field, 1999; Ridgway, 2000). As a result, in this study, it was discovered that utilizing the discourse analysis approach, students were able to grasp and explain how and why a provided (spoken) meaning was accurate or incorrect. In this regard, critical thinking, the core thesis of discourse analysis, was applied more efficiently with the use of this approach, resulting in more effective learning.

Gardner and Lambert (1972) argue that in order to interest pupils, teachers must provide material in a lively and engaging way. Teachers should also identify activities and use a range of methods. Brown (1994) argues that teachers should help students develop a schema for what they will listen to before class.

Metacognition is described as an individual's conscious thinking about his or her own learning, as well as the planning, monitoring, and regulating of his or her cognitive processes (Brown, 1987). What is significant at this point is the distinction between the abilities necessary for efficient listening techniques and a learner's personal monitoring of his own comprehensibility level with a text. In terms of learning, cognitive processes serve as facilitators and metacognitive methods as monitors (Flavell, 1976).

This contributed to emotional and metacognitive domains of language understanding and usage. As a result of this study's findings, the analysis of listened/watched material in terms of language and narration using the discourse analysis method stimulated students' sense of discovery in the language, contributing to affective and meta/cognitive domains in regards of language awareness and how to use language.


Based on the study's findings, it can be said that the PDP methodology is crucial to learning English since it helps students advance their abilities and encourages them to comprehend listening exercises at different phases of skill development.

Considering the student's native language is not English. Due in large part to the absence of the PDP's implementation, students found it difficult to focus on the listening exercises, which require accuracy and a broad vocabulary and grammatical components. Students were directly impacted by these as they attested to having a deeper comprehension when the instructor used this technique.

In order to address these issues, it is essential to incorporate a variety of instructional activities. According to the research, teacher-guided instruction combined with student-centered strategies like peer feedback and a variety of listening exercises relevant to their context or popular subjects can increase student engagement and inspire them to keep learning and developing their abilities.


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Andrés David Anchundia Ponce, Thalía Maricela Arroyo Villa, Henry Xavier Mendoza Ponce, Javier Antonio Zambrano Mero, Víctor Efrén Alcívar Calderón: Proceso de revisión de literatura y redacción del artículo.