Maestro y Sociedad e-ISSN 1815-4867

Special Issue Year 2023

Original article

Innovative technological teaching resources in the development of the ability to listen in the English language

Recursos didácticos tecnológicos innovadores en el desarrollo de la habilidad de escuchar en el idioma Inglés

Anthony Abrajan*,

Luisa Arteaga,

Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador

*Corresponding author. email

To cite this article: Abrajan, A. y Arteaga, L. (2023). Innovative technological teaching resources in the development of the ability to listen in the English language. Maestro y Sociedad, (Número Especial), 160-168.


This article will discuss innovative technological teaching resources in the development of listening skills in the English language; its objective is to establish innovative technological didactic resources in developing the ability to listen in the English language in the eighth-year students of the Amazonas Educational Unit. The methodology is based on empirical and scientific practices. We have identified a problem among students and will use theories from the field of science to explore the impact of technological resources on the development of English language skills. Various techniques and instruments were utilized, such as interviews for data collection, observation sheets for visual representation of class processes, and diagnostic assessments, which presented the students' starting point. The results indicated that the teacher must be aware of using innovative technological teaching resources to listen. The obstacles found were the lack of access, the absence of training, and the reluctance to change on the part of the teachers, which have been identified as contributing factors.

Keywords: skill, dexterity, podcast, English.


En este artículo se discutirán recursos didácticos tecnológicos innovadores en el desarrollo de la capacidad auditiva en el idioma inglés; su objetivo es establecer recursos didácticos tecnológicos innovadores en el desarrollo de la capacidad de escuchar en el idioma inglés en los estudiantes de octavo año de la Unidad Educativa Amazonas. La metodología se basa en prácticas empíricas y científicas. Hemos identificado un problema entre los estudiantes y utilizaremos teorías del campo de la ciencia para explorar el impacto de los recursos tecnológicos en el desarrollo de las habilidades del idioma inglés. Se utilizaron diversas técnicas e instrumentos, como entrevistas para la recolección de datos, fichas de observación para la representación visual de los procesos de clase y evaluaciones diagnósticas, que presentaron el punto de partida de los estudiantes. Los resultados indicaron que el docente debe tener conciencia de utilizar recursos didácticos tecnológicos innovadores para escuchar. Los obstáculos encontrados fueron la falta de acceso, la ausencia de capacitación y la renuencia al cambio por parte de los docentes, que han sido identificados como factores contribuyentes.

Palabras clave: habilidad, destreza, podcast, inglés.

Received: 8/5/2023 Approved: 10/20/2023


English is the most widely used language around the world Marco Beltrán (2017), which is why many educational institutions integrate it into the curriculum. In Ecuador, the teaching of a Foreign Language-English is typified in the Constitution of the Republic, expressing the need of the scientific community worldwide, this being an indispensable factor in professional training from high school. The teaching of the English Language as a foreign language refers to learning based on the development of receptive and productive skills to achieve effective communication, thus providing better opportunities for professionals in the job offer.

Marco Beltrán (2017) conceptualizes that "in the teaching and learning process of the English Language, the teacher and the student represent two of the most important elements. These two components play a fundamental role. "One depends on the other, and when one does not fulfill its function correctly, the teaching-learning process does not achieve the expected results."

Technological teaching resources are essential; they fulfill a mediating function within the learning process and can be applied to develop receptive skills in the English Language. In addition, they reinforce knowledge, social, technological, and digital communication and encode messages through sounds and images that serve to strengthen listening skills because they are tools that pedagogues can use in the classroom, intending to achieve meaningful learning in students (Valle Pinta, 2018).

A complex situation arose based on the limited use of innovative technological teaching resources in developing listening skills in the English language. This problem implies the need for teacher training in the management of technology, the limitations in access to electronic devices, internet connection, and the technological infrastructure of educational institutions.

With the application of technological teaching resources, they sought to promote the development of listening skills in the English language through didactically attractive tools to capture the attention of students and thus contribute to the teaching-learning process by enriching and enhancing the educational experience by providing interactivity, access to various information, personalization, motivation, collaboration, and flexibility.

This research presented an approach based on innovative technological teaching resources, seeking to establish the tools a teacher can apply to improve listening comprehension, provide immediate feedback, capture attention, and energize and enhance the teaching process–learning students to develop listening skills as the first contact of learning in the English language.

The research methodology was deductive and descriptive because it studied the application of technological teaching resources in developing listening skills in the English language. The techniques or instruments for data collection are the interview, observation sheet, and a diagnostic evaluation to obtain specific information. Its critical propositional paradigm invites interpretation, understanding, and explanation of the results.

The research was based on the Amazonas High School with a population of 67 teachers, of which 6 are teachers of the English area and 200 students that involve two of the six parallels of the eighth year of primary education, aged between 12 to 13 years.

The results of this research played a fundamental role in establishing a standardized methodology exclusively for the development of listening skills in the English language in the Amazonas Educational Unit. Considering the present limitations of the educational context, it is essential to promote technological teaching resources based on the experiences acquired from said context.

Objective: To establish innovative technological didactic resources in developing listening skills in the English language in the students of the eighth parallel year of the Amazonas High School.

Materials and methods

This research sustained a prepositive critical paradigm because it privileges the interpretation, comprehension, and explanation of innovative technological resources in the development of listening skills in English as a foreign language in eighth-grade high school students; it is critical because it analyzed the schemes of doing research committed to instrumental logics of being able to use innovative technological resources to develop linguistic skills in the English language. Prepositive because it provides solution alternatives built in a climate of synergy and proactivity with the actors involved in the research. The information that will be obtained with the application of the instruments is based on the student population of Amazonas High School.

Methods of data collection:

The methods used were:

Empirical method because it is born from a problematic nucleus observed in a population of students in the eighth year of primary school at Amazonas High School.

Scientific method because the study will be based on the theories presented by science about technological didactic resources and their influence on the development of linguistic skills in the English language.

Methods of data analysis

Descriptive techniques such as the interview and the observation sheet were used to obtain the research information, thus seeking precise information to be analyzed.

The analysis of the collected data will be carried out using deductive and inductive methods, starting with a diagnostic analysis of the technological didactic resources that contribute to the development of the linguistic skills of the English language until comparing them with the inductive method, analyzing how the use of innovative technological resources used according to the age and the socio-educational context intervene in the development of the linguistic skill of listening.

Population and sample

The population consists of 200 students, including the six parallel students in the eighth year of primary education, aged between 12 and 13 years old. The probabilistic sampling formula will be applied with a margin of 0.025%, covering approximately 46 study participants.

The teachers are a population of 67, of which 6 are teachers of English. All teachers in the area will be considered for the application of the interview to identify what kind of didactic resources are used to propose innovative technological didactic resources.


Population size


Provisional sample size




Sample variance




Variance of the population




Probability of occurrence of a phenomenon



Standard error

0,01 a 0,05



Total sample size



Table 2 Observation sheet and interview with the teacher


Didactic resources

Application of the resource in language learning enhancement

Adapts the environment to achieve the learning objective

Listening activities that focus on the phases of learning

Technological resources employed to develop listening skills

Grammatical competence to improve listening skills

Assessments to measure learning with a listening activity

Has knowledge of didactic-technological resources

Uses the technological resource Podcast






Does not apply



Does not fit






does not employ





Write on the board



has knowledge

No knowledge




"Once the observation sheets were completed and the interview was conducted with the teacher and students at the Amazonas High School, they thoroughly analyzed all the answers obtained. In the category of technological didactic resources, the teacher mentioned that the didactic resource to develop listening skills in the English language that she uses is the tape recorder; however, an apparent discrepancy was observed since, in the observations made, the implementation of such resources was not observed.

"In the category of acquisition processes, the teacher reported that her pedagogical approach focuses on teaching content by presenting relevant vocabulary, monitoring the students' attention level, and asking questions to verify understanding of the topics addressed. In contrast to this statement, observations revealed that the teacher did not develop or employ specific listening activities or strategies during the classes."

"In the category of exercises and activities, the teacher indicated that she uses mime as a resource to foster the development of listening skills, while at the same time she considers the games and activities to be motivating and interesting for the students, thus facilitating their participation in the learning process. However, in the course of the observations, the absence of authentic listening communication situations in the educational environment was noted, as well as the exclusive focus on vocabulary to the detriment of other grammatical skills."

"In the category of didactic resources and techniques, the teacher expressed her focus on imparting practical activities through writing on the blackboard, as well as her strategy to encourage interaction during listening activities, which consists of promoting group work. In addition, the teacher reported having a general knowledge of innovative technological teaching resources, such as podcasts, Elllo and Lyrics Training. Despite this, the observations evidenced the lack of execution of practical activities for content comprehension, the absence of strategies aimed at the development of listening activities and a lack of knowledge in relation to the previously mentioned innovative technological didactic resources."


This research focused on evaluating the use of innovative technological didactic resources to develop listening skills in the English language. Using a triangulation methodology that included teacher interviews, classroom observation sheets, and a diagnostic assessment of listening skills directed at students.

The teacher interview revealed a series of barriers and challenges that limit the use of technological resources in teaching listening skills in English. The teacher mentioned only the use of the tape recorder, the lack of access to other innovative technological devices in the classroom, and the lack of adequate training in integrating educational technology and expressed a general resistance to change and a preference for traditional teaching methods.

Classroom observations confirmed that, for the most part, the teacher continued to use traditional resources for teaching English listening skills. Little incorporation of technology was observed, and most listening activities were based on printed materials rather than innovative technological resources.

The diagnostic assessment results indicated that students' English listening skill scores without using an innovative technological teaching resource did not experience any significant improvement; scores remained fair and uneven. Compared with another diagnostic assessment after implementing a technological instructional resource, their scores improved significantly between good, very good, and excellent. Furthermore, the lack of incorporation of technological resources did not positively impact students' performance in listening skills.

This study provides strong evidence that innovative technological instructional resources are not used effectively in teaching English listening skills in the context of the schools and classrooms studied. Identified barriers have contributed to the lack of implementation, including lack of access, training, and teacher resistance to change.

These results highlight the need to address these challenges and promote greater adoption of technological resources in English language teaching, particularly in developing listening skills. The study suggests that it is crucial to address teachers' concerns, provide adequate training, and facilitate access to technology in the classroom to achieve successful implementation.

Analysis of data

Figure 1 Diagnostic evaluation of students

Given the results obtained with the interview and observation sheet, the need to apply a diagnostic test was noted to verify the level of performance of the listening skills in the students, comparing the usual methodology used by the teacher to the podcast tool. , taking advantage of the teacher's technological equipment as a more affordable and immediate resource to use and thus be able to compare the results of the population under study to differentiate cognitive behavior concerning the development of the ability to listen in the English Language with the use of the Podcast.

The group studied with the traditional methodology showed that 4% of the students obtained outstanding marks compared to 47% of students, who, with the use of the Podcast, had a better performance in the development of listening skills is the podcast tool superior to the traditional methodology, demonstrating that students will noticeably improve their listening skills by a more significant percentage.

In the analysis of academic performance according to the "very good" scale, it is highlighted that 27% of students who benefited from the podcast-based methodology reached this level, compared to 20% of students under the traditional methodology. These results eloquently underline the positive impact and effectiveness of the podcast approach in improving student performance at the "very good" level in this study.

Within the evaluation scale that qualifies as "good," it is observed that, both in the traditional methodology and in the one based on podcasts, 16% of the students remained at the same level of performance without ceasing to consider that this standard maintained due to the outstanding and very good student mobility, significantly reducing the average and insufficient mobility as demonstrated in the graph. These results indicate that the use of podcasts improves performance among students, with statistically significant differences in this aspect being notable.

In the "regular" rating category, a significant difference stands out between the two methodologies evaluated. On the regular scale with the traditional methodology, 29 of the population had a low performance in listening skills compared to 6 with the Podcast. Demonstrating that the poor performance of listening skills decreased. In the group that followed the traditional methodology, 29% of the students obtained this qualification, while only 6% of the students who used podcasts received this evaluation. These results highlight those students.

In the "irregular" performance rating scale, a significant difference is noted between the two methodologies examined. In the group that followed the traditional methodology, 31% of the students obtained this qualification, while only 4% of the students who participated in the podcast-based methodology received this evaluation. These results suggest that the traditional methodology may be more conducive to generating "uneven" performance than the podcast approach.

With the given results, a comparison was created using another diagnostic evaluation using the didactic resource "Podcast," granting the diagnosis obtained 47% of students with outstanding, 27% very good, 16% good, 6% average, and 4% irregular. Expressing a notable improvement in the students' listening ability with the technological teaching resource.

Thus, the deduction was reached that the Podcast for eighth-grade students is a motivating tool for learning and developing the ability to listen in English due to its ease of use. Teachers only need cell phones and a speaker to teach the class. It can also be used on different Android devices and can be reinforced at home.


Didactic resources are tools used in teaching that arouse students' interest to promote the mastery of content and the development of skills and abilities. They are considered support for the teaching-learning process where the educator implements them to facilitate the understanding of content and strengthen knowledge in the learning subject.

Cuesta Flores Liliana Maribel (2017), in their research titled "Technological resources in the auditory development of the English foreign language," states that teaching resources are instruments that help in the acquisition process of learning a foreign language through exercises and Activities that develop learning in the English language allow the teaching-learning process to evolve through understanding the content of complements and didactic techniques.

According to the theory of Blanco Sánchez (2012), citing (Jordi Diaz Lucea), teaching resources and materials are the entire set of elements, tools, or strategies that the teacher uses, or can use, as support in his teaching task; they act of mediators between educational design and the learning process.

Numerous teaching resources seek to integrate with the elements of the educational process; most of these have functionality and validity in various subjects. When focusing on teaching aids in English they help improve the skills of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills.

According to Coaquira Mamani and Marilia Rebeca (2019, citing Bustos and Mora, 2013, p. 26), "The listening skill refers to the student's ability to understand and recognize the meaning of the communicative intention of a specific speaker. Listening in English is fundamental; it allows students to obtain points of view and information. It is considered empathy, silence, and complete attention to verbal communication (Shipley, 2010).

Listening is often confused with hearing; Listening is considered an active process that involves wanting to understand what is being heard, and hearing is the opposite, a passive process that indicates the detection of sounds. According to Ruiz, Moyota, and Guambo (2018), "listening is not the same as hearing, hearing refers to a physiological system while listening is a process in which it is essential to be mentally attentive."

Listening is essential to interpret messages that other people have communicated. If students develop the ability to listen, they will improve grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, intonation, and fluency when expressing themselves. It is highlighted that the ability to listen is an interactive process of developing strategies; the importance of this in English classes is essential to achieve understanding and interaction for both the speaker and the listener.

The ability to listen (listening) has phases to prepare students: pre-listening, during listening, and post-listening. Perez Guim, Angie Carolina (2017) (as cited in Karakas and Reza 2011, p. 982) states that "pre-listening helps activate students' prior knowledge, to build their expectations for the next information; and to provide the necessary context for the specific listening task." The initial stage provides information that captures students' attention and helps them imagine possible responses to upcoming activities.

Pérez (2017, as cited in Field, and Yukselc, 2003, p. 23) during listening, "distinguishes between extensive and intense listening. Extensive listening can be defined as listening to a text without focusing on details and listening for pleasure to understand something worth listening to. In intensive listening, the listener aims to collect detailed pieces of information. During the middle listening stage, students confirm or rectify predictions and gain new ideas about possible answers.

"Post-listening activities offer opportunities for teachers to evaluate and verify students' understanding, clarify their understandings; to extend understanding beyond the literal level to the interpretive and critical levels." (Peréz, 2017, as cited in Reza, 2011, p. 982). In the final phase, students clarify their doubts by asking the teacher or classmates only about the topic.

The functionality of Output is not to obtain new knowledge but is related to enhancing fluency, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation through practice in Speaking and Writing skills. According to Krashen (1989), the only indirect function that Output plays is to provide more input to the learner; It is a crucial element in building knowledge in the student's interlanguage.

Input is the skills the student is exposed to in a communicative context. ("Input-based teaching techniques for the acquisition of ...") Krashen's theory tells us that: "comprehensible input" is the key to second language acquisition. According to the author, a second language is acquired by understanding that a linguistic "input" allows one to advance incompetence. For this reason, the linguistic skills of comprehension have priority over those of expression. Students do not learn to speak and write a language directly but through oral or written understanding. (Castrillo Vega, José Manuel, n.d).

The "Input" has a hypothesis that affirms that human beings only acquire language by understanding messages or when they receive understandable inputs, that is, that they are capable of understanding language without knowing a theoretical basis of grammar with the help of context; includes extralinguistic information, previously acquired skills, and general world knowledge.

Citing (Eugenia et al. V; Revista Signos, vol.32, issue 45-46, (1999), pp:73-81), "The process of listening comprehension in verbal communication actively involves the participants in it, since they must ascribe meaning to the oral message through processes of decoding and indifference (Brown, 1990). In the decoding process, the listener gives meaning to the sounds he receives, thus obtaining a first approximation to understanding the message; almost immediately through processes and inference, thus achieving a coherent understanding of the text." ("How to approach listening to comprehension in Spanish? - SciELO")

Technology is a necessity in this era; it has an important function: facilitating people's work, including teaching and learning. ICT has various benefits in teaching English, and it offers students opportunities for much more valuable communicative interaction in the target language, which was never possible in traditional language classes. (Elsa Elfiona et al 2019. Phys.; Conf. ser.1367012024)

The ability to listen in English has constantly developed and evolved; English has become the language with which one can communicate in much of the world (Olmedo et al., 2016-2017). A clear example of These are the various teaching resources that can be found as applications with ease of access. Its function is to improve listening comprehension, which covers the complete process of speech interpretation, from the mere decoding and linguistic understanding of the phonic chain involved in the linguistic components, cognitive, prescriptive, attitudinal, and sociological factors. (Endara Tapia, Freddy Fabian, 2015).

Technological teaching resources are all those technological devices and digital platforms that facilitate the practices of prior knowledge. They are divided between tangible and non-tangible; Tangible ones are those that can be touched (computers, cell phones). Intangible ones are all those applications, web pages, or the Internet (Podcast, Lyrics training, and ELLLO).

Podcasts are audio or sounds that contain music, debates, social realities, and humorous stories and are even used as teaching materials for teaching English. They can be downloaded from the Internet to any technological, virtual, digital device or player with the possibility of storage. These can be found in different applications, such as Spotify, Pódium Podcast, Laughable, TuneIn Radio, and Voox. (Pint Valley, 2018).

According to the author Hinojosa Moreno (2023), online tools such as podcasts allow the opportunity to change traditional English classes by offering more interaction in the lessons. Furthermore, it is essential to indicate that these resources improve experiences among students and learning management. (Stanley,20007) states, "These virtual spaces can be created from classrooms and homes, and in the particular case of language teachers these learning environments can help them in their professional development and teaching improvement" (p. 42).

Lyrics training is an innovative technological tool to learn and develop foreign language skills with the student's favourite songs. You learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation and improve your listening ability through countless content such as music videos. It is achieved interactively by having the student focus on various activities, improving skills simultaneously. (Lyrics Training, 2018)

Users can create an account and choose the language they want to learn. Then, they choose a song and select the difficulty level of the incomplete lyrics. Depending on the song's speed, you can select the speed of the lyrics. Users can play alone or in competition with other players and measure their progress as they go. (Lyrics training, 2018)

ELLLO (English Listening Lesson Library Online) is an online library of listening-based English lessons focusing on improving the listening comprehension of English learners worldwide. The platform has over 2,500 free English lessons, including dissertations, conversations, stories, and grammar lessons. Additionally, each lesson is accompanied by an audio or video recording, a quiz, and a transcript so students can see what is being said. (ELLLO, 2022)

To use ELLLO, users select an English lesson matching their skill level and listen/watch it on their device. Then, they can take the quiz to see how they have progressed. ELLLO also offers students the opportunity to write their lessons, which helps them achieve language proficiency (ELLLO,2022)-


The results of this study highlight the importance of using innovative technological teaching resources in developing listening skills in the English language. Participants who actively used these resources experienced significant improvements in their listening comprehension. It underlines the relevance of technology as a pedagogical tool to enhance this skill in an increasingly globalized and digital world.

Research strongly supports the thesis that innovative technological teaching resources positively impact the development of English listening skills. It indicates that educational institutions and teachers should consider integrating these tools into their teaching programs to improve students' listening competence.

The study has identified various innovative technological teaching resources that can effectively develop listening skills in eighth-grade students. These resources include language learning applications and interactive online platforms. These findings provide teachers and educators with various options to personalize instruction.

Research has shown that eighth-grade students are receptive to innovative technological resources in improving their English listening skills. Identifying specific resources opens the door to implementing more effective pedagogical strategies in classrooms adapted to the needs and preferences of this student population.


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